Master Jonathon Thomas Larison, silver haired and renowned as a legend for his work as an apothecary and alchemist, was sitting in the muck like a pouting toddler. Arms splattered with mud hung limp at his sides as he sat … Continue reading →
Apothecary (part 1)
•The attack was over in seconds. The bandits vanished into the woods just as quickly as they had appeared, taking everything of value and leaving the two travelers in the mud. Simon got up and wiped the earth off of … Continue reading →
•Excited energy explodes in a fountain of light. Twisting and turning, shimmering and shining, they fly up towards the heavens to brighten the world and the faces that gaze. Their splendor is muted in a vain attempt at hiding their power. … Continue reading →
•There were days when I used to feel numb, because I was avoiding even worse feelings. I told myself that I had no reason to be feeling the way I did. I had a home, I had friends, I had … Continue reading →
•Have you ever felt weak? That lifting your arm was too hard? You don’t want to move, but don’t know why? You know that you can do something, that you have no reason to not be able to. But you … Continue reading →
•The world shimmered as he turned around. There’s something about thin air that makes everything clearer, he thought. The grass was green, the flowers bloomed, and not a cloud was in the sky. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes … Continue reading →
•He never knew being surrounded by this many people could leave him feeling so alone. Cars, bikes, and taxis filled the streets, intent on their destination. People lined the sidewalks, heads down, collars folded up against the wind that tore … Continue reading →
•He was going back to a place he’d hoped he’d never see again. The high walls, the stone buildings, the metal gates. No one ever talked about it, but it was a prison. No. He’d been in prisons before, he’d much … Continue reading →
Time flies when you’re having fun
•It’s official. I’m now in my second semester as a junior and have no more excuses. Throughout my first two years, I always heard “oh you’ve got plenty of time to figure it out!” Last semester, I heard it a little less, but adults were still reassuring me. Then I got the dreaded email. “Don’t […]
A Poem
•Cabin in the woods
•There was something not quite right about the cabin. Always just out of focus, it seemed to shimmer in the sunlight even though it was dusk. The air around it seemed thick, heavy with the weight of an unknown secret, the … Continue reading →
The old house
•The old house, with its wildly overgrown garden, was silent, secretive. Metal on metal echoed over the waves of time, only to be muffled in the muted sunlight. The stone walls, worn and scarred as they were, hinted the epic … Continue reading →