Erin – Fall 2015 Class Portfolios Portfolios by Students in the Fall 2015 Sections Mon, 11 Jul 2016 15:37:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tips for Getting into SEO Mon, 21 Sep 2015 15:13:01 +0000 Read more →

Tips for Getting into SEO

Recently I read an article about getting into the field of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and there were some key things I took away from the article.

  1. It’s important to have some basic website skills, which include a knowledge of words like blog, html, CSS, SEO, WordPress, Analytics, etc. The author recommends that anyone interested in a job in SEO demonstrate knowledge of these key terms. By starting a WordPress blog, one has the opportunity to edit for SEO, tweak plugins, and learn the basics about Analytics.
  2. Secondly, the author recommends reading about SEO and beginning to apply one’s knowledge. He offers several guides to SEO and numerous bloggers who discuss relevant topics in SEO, and he stresses the importance of being able to discuss SEO websites in an interview.
  3. The author further stresses the importance of understanding the fundamentals of linkbuilding before showing up for an interview. Many SEO specialists feel that linkbuilding is one of the most difficult aspects of their job. Being able to discuss some techniques and how to apply them in an interview gives you a “leg up” in an interview.
  4. The next recommendation that the author has it to read The Internet Marketing Handbook, as it has several valuable tools and resources for an SEO job.
  5. When searching for a job, the author recommends finding a recruiting agency that understands SEO. He highly recommends finding an agency that will provide you the support you need for training and development. Knowledgeable agencies will be able to answer your questions and direct you to good events and conferences.
  6. Finally, before interviewing for an SEO job, the author recommends studying frequently asked SEO interview questions. He provides a few examples of his own and then offers a few useful links to further interview questions.

Overall, this article gave me a much better idea of what to expect when looking for a job two years from now. Now that I have some resources, I just need to do my research.

From Editing to SEO Tue, 15 Sep 2015 14:36:02 +0000 Read more →

Project 1 ImageUp until April or May of this year, I was dead set on becoming an editor — until I learned about SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, for those of you who aren’t familiar with the term. Don’t get me wrong, as a Copy Chief for Collegiate Times and Associate Editor for Philologia Undergraduate Research Journal, I certainly still love editing. What can I say, I’m an English nerd. So what is SEO, you ask? SEO involves working with a website’s content to improve the website’s visibility and ranking in a web search. The goal, essentially, is to attract more viewers to the website. The process of SEO requires Internet marketing to determine what terms or keywords people use in search engines. SEO can require content editing, HTML and other methods of coding, and anything that increases a website’s relevance in a web search.

In addition to SEO, I’m also interested in other aspects of Digital Media and Digital Marketing. This summer, I had the wonderful opportunity of interning for Posh Seven Magazine, a Northern Virginia women’s magazine. As an intern, I was involved in several aspects of the magazine, including web editing, writing content and articles, improving the magazine’s social media presence, contacting advertisers, learning how to write press releases, and, more recently, bringing back the website’s SEO presence. Currently, I am the magazine’s Web Assistant, so my main focus is our web presence; however, I also dabble in other areas of the magazine.

This coming summer I hope to continue working with Posh Seven Magazine and also gain more experience with a new internship. My goal is to get as much experience as I can while I am in college, so that I can begin a career in SEO or Digital Media after graduation.
