Author: jessverba

Project Four Draft

Here’s my draft. I’m basically making a sped-up, animated version of the first part of the movie Alice in Wonderland. Since I’ve never used Flash before, I only have a couple animations so far (carriage arrives, duke’s mother pulls Alice out of carriage… and Alice is going to end up dancing with the duke). I gave up […]

Project Four Draft

Here’s my draft. I’m basically making a sped-up animated version of the first part of the movie Alice in Wonderland. Since I’ve never used Flash before, I only have a couple animations done so far. The hardest part is drawing heads and hands; I gave up on those for now. I’ll add them in later. 😛 I […]

Creating an Interesting Character: Part Two

I’m back! In this post, I’ll give two more tips on how to create an engaging and relatable character for your short story. The second step to creating an interesting character is to introduce conflict that the character has to overcome. Creating conflict is kind of an obvious plot technique because it adds tension and […]

How to Create an Interesting Character

Last spring I took a creative writing class which, despite occurring at 8am, ended up being my favorite course of the semester. For our first creative writing workshop, each student had to choose to either write three poems or one short story. Two days before the assignment was due, I realized that none of the […]

Welcome Post

Ut quis libero et eros mattis ornare eget eget magna. Duis eget dapibus metus, a consectetur nibh. Nunc pulvinar egestas egestas. Morbi ut purus vel elit blandit pellentesque quis id felis. Vestibulum fringilla mollis massa. Phasellus sagittis nisl non lacus consectetur, sed ullamcorper mi cursus. Maecenas pellentesque diam sit amet purus dignissim luctus vitae eget […]

Placeholder Post

Quisque sed magna lacus. Nunc lorem mauris, imperdiet ut sodales tempor, vestibulum sit amet erat. Phasellus gravida posuere tempus. Maecenas tristique non metus non porttitor.
Donec justo velit, molestie nec vehicula vel, porttitor eu nibh. Morbi arcu…