bettyfan – Fall 2015 Class Portfolios Portfolios by Students in the Fall 2015 Sections Mon, 11 Jul 2016 15:37:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Barney’s Hike! Mon, 28 Sep 2015 00:36:31 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

“The mountains are calling and I must go.” -John Muir

Most people in this area know about the Cascades hike; it’s a very scenic and easy trail that leads to a massive waterfall. During the summer, many will brave the freezing waters and jump into the falls. The Cascades is 4 miles total, which is shorter than most hikes nearby (Dragon’s Tooth is ~6 miles and McAfee’s is ~8 miles). What most people don’t know is that there is another trail (2 miles) that continues above the Cascades towards Barney’s Wall. To get to it, take a left after heading up the wooden stairs and follow signs towards the Conservancy Trail then signs towards Barney’s Wall. 

I went for the first time after my last final last semester; before then, I had always just stopped at the Cascades, but Barney’s Wall quickly became one of my favorite trails. It’s a very serene and barely tread upon trail. With minimal traffic and grass and tiny blue and white flowers growing in the middle of the path, it feels seldom treaded upon.  I’m not really sure how to describe it entirely, but it has a much different vibe from the other popular hikes. The trail leads to a jaw-dropping open view of rolling mountains covered with forest green trees. I imagine it looks incredible during autumn. With most other hikes, the peak is so high up above the mountains that everything seems so far away. At Barney’s Wall, the mountains are so much closer that you truly feel like you’re within the mountains. 

For those who love longer hikes and beautiful mountainous views, I would definitely recommend heading over to Barney’s Wall after the Cascades!

Barney's Wall
Barney’s Wall
How I Planned My Trip to England Fri, 25 Sep 2015 01:08:46 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Earlier this summer, my mom and I went to England for 6 days. This was the first time I had ever planned a trip, and required a lot more work that I thought it would. For longer trips, I definitely encourage being more relaxed and extemporaneous with a little bit of planning. However, since we didn’t have that much time, I decided to tone down on the spontaneity. Of course, not everything went exactly as planned, but we did see everything we wanted to.

These are the five main steps I took to plan my trip:

  1. I bought a Rick Steves’ guide to England. I read all the advice and skimmed to see which landmarks I would be interested in visiting.
  2. I started to keep a running list of things I definitely wanted to see and things that I would like to check out if time permits. Since I knew I wanted to spend most of my time in London, I planned for 4 days in London and 2 day trips to other nearby cities. Based on my interests and how much time we had, we ended up going to Cambridge and Bath.
  3. As for our time in London, I split up the days based on location- north, west, south, and east.
  4. Instead of wasting time pouring over maps there, I familiarized myself with the London Underground ahead of time– making sure I knew exactly which lines to take, which stops to switch at, and where to get off.
  5. Since I knew day trips would be much more exhausting, I planned the day trips to be sandwiched between days in London, and then I bought train tickets for those specific days

Hopefully these steps were useful and will help you when you plan your next trip!

King's College in Cambridge
King’s College in Cambridge

Hello world! Mon, 14 Sep 2015 14:16:08 +0000 Read more →


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The Canyon Tue, 16 Jul 2013 22:05:22 +0000 Read more →


Pellentesque ipsum nisi, rhoncus dictum magna at, adipiscing commodo magna. Aenean accumsan erat a lacus semper, nec vulputate magna euismod. Maecenas a lacus rhoncus, ullamcorper sem consectetur, mollis lacus.

Vegetable Fun Tue, 16 Jul 2013 18:59:11 +0000 Read more →


Donec id lectus sed risus fermentum auctor. In fringilla nulla tincidunt congue vulputate. Donec auctor risus ut elit pretium, ultrices iaculis velit interdum.

Needed Vacation Tue, 16 Jul 2013 18:53:03 +0000 Read more →


Donec tincidunt et massa sit amet sodales. In cursus augue ac sem ornare, eu interdum odio volutpat. Donec odio quam, lacinia quis nibh at, bibendum fringilla ante.

Tandem Tue, 16 Jul 2013 18:51:39 +0000 Read more →


Maecenas cursus urna vitae tellus egestas venenatis. Quisque hendrerit massa sit amet erat bibendum fringilla. Aenean quis arcu porta, consectetur mauris ut, mollis dui. Donec pharetra a quam vitae adipiscing.

Meet My Best Friend Fri, 12 Jul 2013 06:24:06 +0000 Maecenas tincidunt congue purus. Donec fringilla felis vel dolor consectetur, vel gravida quam molestie. Curabitur ut orci a sapien feugiat auctor in sit amet nisl. Morbi justo metus, dapibus a dignissim a, accumsan sit amet odio. Duis venenatis at diam … Continue reading ]]>

Maecenas tincidunt congue purus. Donec fringilla felis vel dolor consectetur, vel gravida quam molestie. Curabitur ut orci a sapien feugiat auctor in sit amet nisl. Morbi justo metus, dapibus a dignissim a, accumsan sit amet odio.

Duis venenatis at diam sed aliquet. Nunc interdum odio et nibh euismod laoreet. Sed non ultrices dui, sit amet adipiscing libero. Maecenas accumsan quam eleifend quam facilisis, sit amet aliquet neque mollis. Cras sit amet sollicitudin sem. Sed tincidunt rhoncus urna a pretium. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque malesuada accumsan ante ac imperdiet. Quisque eu elementum urna. Maecenas venenatis imperdiet enim at bibendum. Duis eget convallis felis, id sollicitudin mauris. Nam sem metus, sagittis non feugiat vel, porttitor eu arcu. Sed dictum, nulla ac laoreet accumsan, dui sapien vestibulum nibh, in pharetra dolor dui eu erat. Ut feugiat dictum egestas. Nam eget arcu quis mauris imperdiet pulvinar.

Miniature City Fri, 12 Jul 2013 06:19:32 +0000 Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce tristique placerat nisi et ultricies. Aliquam orci nisl, cursus vitae venenatis sit amet, laoreet in lacus. Integer ac ullamcorper sem, vel auctor ante. Interdum et malesuada … Continue reading ]]>

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce tristique placerat nisi et ultricies. Aliquam orci nisl, cursus vitae venenatis sit amet, laoreet in lacus. Integer ac ullamcorper sem, vel auctor ante. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla mattis, erat sit amet pellentesque blandit, libero augue sollicitudin leo, a convallis diam purus sit amet nibh. Sed condimentum blandit nibh in semper.

Vestibulum dignissim rutrum porttitor. Curabitur lacinia, arcu sed sollicitudin semper, sem enim faucibus velit, non scelerisque enim justo et tortor. Phasellus accumsan iaculis augue, sit amet sodales mi egestas nec. Phasellus in sagittis ipsum. Morbi elementum magna et ligula tincidunt, sit amet vestibulum nibh posuere. Ut facilisis felis in tortor feugiat, ac pretium enim tempus. Praesent volutpat, lacus sed congue hendrerit, justo risus venenatis massa, non fringilla velit metus ut lacus. Maecenas tincidunt congue purus. Donec fringilla felis vel dolor consectetur, vel gravida quam molestie. Curabitur ut orci a sapien feugiat auctor in sit amet nisl. Morbi justo metus, dapibus a dignissim a, accumsan sit amet odio.

Classic Car on the Beach Fri, 12 Jul 2013 06:15:51 +0000 Maecenas tincidunt congue purus. Donec fringilla felis vel dolor consectetur, vel gravida quam molestie. Curabitur ut orci a sapien feugiat auctor in sit amet nisl. Morbi justo metus, dapibus a dignissim a, accumsan sit amet odio. Duis venenatis at diam … Continue reading ]]>

Maecenas tincidunt congue purus. Donec fringilla felis vel dolor consectetur, vel gravida quam molestie. Curabitur ut orci a sapien feugiat auctor in sit amet nisl. Morbi justo metus, dapibus a dignissim a, accumsan sit amet odio.

Duis venenatis at diam sed aliquet. Nunc interdum odio et nibh euismod laoreet. Sed non ultrices dui, sit amet adipiscing libero. Maecenas accumsan quam eleifend quam facilisis, sit amet aliquet neque mollis. Cras sit amet sollicitudin sem. Sed tincidunt rhoncus urna a pretium. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque malesuada accumsan ante ac imperdiet. Quisque eu elementum urna. Maecenas venenatis imperdiet enim at bibendum. Duis eget convallis felis, id sollicitudin mauris. Nam sem metus, sagittis non feugiat vel, porttitor eu arcu. Sed dictum, nulla ac laoreet accumsan, dui sapien vestibulum nibh, in pharetra dolor dui eu erat. Ut feugiat dictum egestas. Nam eget arcu quis mauris imperdiet pulvinar.
