It’s official. I’m now in my second semester as a junior and have no more excuses. Throughout my first two years, I always heard “oh you’ve got plenty of time to figure it out!” Last semester, I heard it a little less, but adults were still reassuring me.
Then I got the dreaded email. “Don’t forget to apply for your degree!” stared back at me one Thursday afternoon, after having just gotten home from my American Literary History class. “But I’m only a junior!” I tried to reason with myself. I still haven’t ordered my class ring. Most of my friends have already tried theirs on, but I haven’t even been to see the ladies at the student center.
But here I am still, only 2 and a half semesters left. Where has the time gone? I distinctly remember my freshman self looking at a four-year planner, completely overwhelmed. Four YEARS at this place? Four years was a long time!
I guess time flies when you’re having fun.