Writing is something that I really do enjoy, but seem to rarely take part it. I guess you could say I’m a pretty shitty creative writer. Before this past summer, I told myself I would get on a schedule to write every day. I wrote twice. The entire summer. Now, I’m happy I wrote those two days; one of my little journal entries has turned into a poem that I’ll use for my Creative Writing: Poetry class. I wish I had written more.
That’s the good thing about being in school as a creative writer. I’m forced to write a certain amount. I have to write 8 poems this semester, something I’m pretty excited about. I really need to get my ass into gear though. It’s bad that I need to be forced write.
I feel so much better when I write. It calms me. I helps me organize my jumbled thoughts. It helps me understand my emotions. It both takes me away from reality and helps me understand it at the same time. This is the beauty of literature; no matter whether you’re reading it or writing it, its adding to your wellbeing.