Everyone says that being in your 20’s is the best and most exciting time of your life. Full of new experiences and new people that all comes in a rush. And they’re right.
But what they don’t mention is the amount of utter confusion you feel trying to navigate the pitfalls of new adulthood. Realizing what real failure feels like and wondering if everyone else is just as lost or maybe have their life together more than you do.
College is the most perfect example of this and is probably the height in a person’s life where they truly start to understand who they are. But through all this it is an overwhelming explosion where plans change and people become temporary.
Being young isn’t like a Sofia Coppola movie. You will not look at life through the lens of an Instagram filter and no one will come along the way that will magically save you. You must save yourself. And as we grow, the term “figuring it out” doesn’t seem to exist in the first place like it did when we were little.
We figure it out in different ways, through different experiences. There is no one way. Being young just gives us a chance to start deciding on it all.